Why Are My Teeth Stained?
Teeth staining can result from various factors, including lifestyle choices, aging, and dietary habits.
Teeth staining can result from various factors, including lifestyle choices, aging, and dietary habits.
Losing one or more teeth can leave you feeling stressed and self-conscious, and it can make it difficult to eat the foods you love.
If you crack a tooth, you need to treat the situation as an emergency and schedule an urgent appointment.
Coffee, tea, berries, tomatoes, smoking, genetics - factors like these can yellow your teeth.
Do you wake up with a sore jaw or a headache most mornings?
It’s common — not just for kids, but also for active adults — to get hurt playing sports, particularly contact sports.
Are you experiencing persistent headache sand wondering if it's linked to TMJ or migraines?
You always hope it won’t ever come to it, but sometimes an emergency dental appointment is essential.
We spend our early years with pearly white teeth, but a lifetime of living can turn them dull and discolored.
White teeth are desired. But when small white spots form on your teeth, they can detract from your smile’s appearance.